




    应人居学院土木系邀请,加拿大FPInnovations首席研究科学家Dr. Chun Ni来到我院进行学术讲座,欢迎广大科研工作者及研究生踊跃参加。



地点:曲江校区西一楼 四楼 第二会议室

主题Cross-Laminated Timber in Canada

主讲人Dr. Chun Ni


附:Chun Ni’s brief CV


Dr. Chun Ni is a principal research scientist from FPInnovations, a national research organisation that provides technical and marketing support for Canadian forest industries. He is in charge of FPInnovations’ Far East codes and standards program.


In the last 10 years, he has performed duties as a project leader of numerous research projects and contracts that included extensive experimental and analytical work, played a key role in the development of seismic design provisions for timber structures in Canadian timber design code CSA O86, and participated in the amendment of BC Building Code to allow 6-storey wood framed residential buildings and the development of APEGBC technical bulletin for 5 and 6 storeys wood framed residential buildings. He is one of the key players in developing provisions for North American wood frame construction for wood design codes in China, including the Chinese Code for Design of Timber Structures (GB50005), Chinese Inspection Code for Timber Structures (GB50206) and Shanghai Wood Frame Construction Code.


He is a member of Canada’s Mirror Committee to ISO TC 165 – Timber Structures, Canadian code committee CSA O86 – Engineering Design in Wood, and the Objective Based Codes for Wood Frame Constructions. He is also a member of Chinese GB50005 (Code for Design of Timber Structures) and GB50206 (Code for Construction Quality Acceptance of Timber Structures) code committees and committees on wood products.




